How do I uninstall WorkScape?
You can uninstall WorkScape through the Windows Start menu or remotely by using silent uninstallation.
To uninstall WorkScape through the Windows Start menu, follow these steps:
- Go to the computer where WorkScape is to be uninstalled.
- Click the Start icon. Then click All Programs, then Panogard, and then WorkScape. Find and click the Uninstall option. The uninstaller opens.
- Follow all uninstaller steps. Uninstallation completes in about 30 seconds. Then click Close to close the uninstaller.
To uninstall WorkScape remotely using silent uninstallation, follow these steps:
- Go to the computer where WorkScape is to be uninstalled.
- Run the Windows Command Prompt as an administrator.
- At the cursor enter this string:
"C:\Program Files\Panogard\WorkScape\uninstall.exe" /S
- Push the Enter key. WorkScape will uninstall on the computer in about 30 seconds.
Watch the video How to uninstall WorkScape: